How to Choose the Right Musical Instrument

Walk into any daycare or preschool, and you’ll find a selection of tiny musical instruments neatly stacked in the corner, right beside the toys and playpens.

This isn’t just a coincidence: it’s a testament to how music can benefit growing children.

Toddlers who play a musical instrument are found to have:

  • Improved memory

  • Longer attention spans

  • Better creativity

  • Increased discipline and time management skills

  • Enhanced fine motor skills

  • Increased confidence

There’s no question that music education will help your child develop better. However, given the large number of instruments available out there, parents are often left wondering how to pick one for their kids.

That’s where we come in! Here are our top tips for choosing an instrument.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Musical Instrument

While the key to mastering a musical instrument lies in copious amounts of practice, your child could have a much easier time learning if you introduced them to a suitable tool. Let’s explore some factors to consider in this regard.


Sure, it’s easier to learn music at a young age. But some musical instruments are more suited for children when they develop the necessary strength to hold them in place or grow taller relative to the size of the instrument. For example, smaller instruments like the recorder or ukulele are more appropriate for younger kids, whereas older children can handle larger instruments like the guitar.

Fortunately, several instruments come in various sizes, so your child can start learning early. This also means you’ll have to invest in properly fitted instruments as they grow.


You must consider your child’s personality when choosing an instrument for them. Extroverted children might love learning the flute, trumpet, or electric guitar, as these instruments feature prominently in musical groups.

On the other hand, reserved children may be more comfortable with the piano, which is commonly performed solo or in small groups.


Most importantly, your child should be interested in the instrument. Now, it’s normal for young children to gain and lose interest in things quickly. That said, if your child can enjoy the sounds of the instrument in the beginning, they’re more likely to stick to it in the long run.

Try and let your child play each instrument at a music shop before making a purchase. This way, they can decide if they prefer harmony, rhythm, or melody.

Also, determine whether the child is looking for a short-term experience or a long-term commitment. Some instruments may be more beginner-friendly, while others are better suited for serious, long-term study.

How to Find a Good Music Teacher

Even with the right musical instruments, there’s one thing your child will need to cultivate a positive, lifelong relationship with music: a good teacher.

A music tutor must do more than dictate technical finesse and playing strategies: they should connect with students and create an inspirational environment for them to thrive.

Here are some ways to ensure the music teacher you hire is the best fit for your child.

Ask Your Friends and Family

Ask neighbors, friends, teachers, or coaches to see if they have any music teacher recommendations. Positive feedback and references can provide valuable insights into the tutor’s abilities.

You can follow up these recommendations with a quick web search. Many popular teachers will have videos and reviews on their websites/social media to help you with your decision.

Once you have collated a list of names, contact the candidates for a chat, verify their credentials, and attend a few recitals to gain a feel for their musical direction.

Don’t Hesitate to Ask Questions

The only way to gauge how a potential music teacher will interact with your child is by asking them questions. A quick interview could also tell you a lot about their abilities, passion, or how enthusiastic they are about their lessons.

Prepare a list of questions to ask potential teachers. Inquire about their teaching philosophy, experience working with students, expectations, lesson structure, and how they handle different learning styles.

A few examples of what you could ask include:

  • Do you provide progress reports for students?

  • How frequently do you want them to practice?

  • Do you offer group or private lessons?

  • What’s your usual age range?

  • What assistance do you expect from parents?

Consider Reliability and Professionalism

Assess the teacher's reliability in terms of punctuality, communication, and consistency. A professional and organized teacher is more likely to provide a high-quality learning experience.

During the trial lesson, observe the teacher's communication skills, patience, and ability to tailor instruction to your learning style. Ensure you feel comfortable and at ease with them.

Tips to Get Started with Music Lessons

This one is for the musicians out there. Remember, learning a new instrument is incredibly special. But it takes a lot more than enthusiasm to succeed in your lessons.

No matter what you’re playing, you’ll need a combination of discipline, focus, and hard work to hone your skills. And we have some music practice tips for you to follow.

  • Get into the habit of recording yourself during your lessons. When you hear what you sound like when playing, you’ll be able to make critiques and improve.

  • Understanding the basics of music theory can enhance your musicality. Consider online resources to complement your practical lessons.

  • Don't limit yourself to a single musical genre. Experiment with various styles to broaden your horizons and keep things interesting.

  • Whenever you feel ready, consider participating in recitals or small performances. Performing in front of others can boost confidence.

  • Regularly ask for feedback from your teacher or experienced musicians. Constructive criticism can help you identify areas for improvement.

  • Learning an instrument is not just about reaching a destination, but enjoying the journey. Embrace the process, have fun, and savor the joy that music brings to your life.

The Bottom Line

Whichever instrument you or your child ends up choosing, make sure it’s something that brings joy and presents new opportunities. Take your time, explore your options, and maybe even dabble in a few different instruments before you find "the one." There’s no right or wrong here- only the joy of creating music that speaks to your soul.

Ready to choose a musical instrument to unlock your potential? Join ACE Center’s music classes today! Explore our diverse range of instruments, experienced instructors, and a welcoming musical community. Contact us to know more!


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