How to Choose the Right Chess Classes for Your Child?

In this highly competitive world, a well-rounded education is a must for your kids. In fact, an increasing number of school and college students are not participating in extracurricular activities like sports training, chess lessons, and language clubs, among other things.

Data shows that 50% of students involved in extracurricular activities report having a GPA of 3.0 or higher. Likewise, students partaking in extracurricular activities have a 12.6% increased likelihood to graduate compared to non-participants.

In other words, extracurriculars are necessary for your children. And chess is a perfect way to get them started. This activity offers a multitude of benefits that go far beyond the chessboard. With regular chess lessons, your child can learn critical thinking and problem solving and even develop patience.

By now, you must be wondering, “how do I choose a chess academy?”

Well, that is not going to be easy. But we can help.

How to find the best chess courses for your kids.

Understand Your Child's Needs

Naturally, the first step in finding the best chess lessons is to understand what your kid needs. It includes knowing your child's age, experience level, and interests. Our chess coaching experts believe that children aged five to seven benefit from classes that focus on basic chess concepts. To teach this age, you also have to use playful methods to keep them engaged.

However, older children (above 8) can learn more complex chess strategies and tactics. Similarly, experience matters too. Beginners will need foundational lessons, while experienced students can learn advanced techniques and competitive play. So, think about your child’s needs before you look for lessons.

Research Chess Programs

The next step is to research chess programs. You can start with an online search. Simply Googling “best chess classes for kids” can help you find classes around you. If you want to be more specific, try terms like “chess classes for 5 year olds,” and so on. This basic search will help you list at least a dozen classes around you.

Next, you can narrow down the list by examining the curriculum. Your kid needs chess lessons with a well-structured program that caters to your requirements. For example, if you have a 5-year-old, you need a course designed for beginners that covers the fundamentals of a chess game. Also, look for classes that balance theory with practical play.

Check Instructor’s Qualification

Instructor qualifications are crucial. As you can imagine, certified chess coaches or experienced players often provide high-quality teaching. Talk to the chess academy you have in mind and ask them about the teachers. Check for their credentials and teaching methods. Don’t be afraid to ask pointed questions if needed.

The bottom line is to find out as much about the teachers as possible. Most academies, like ACE Center, would be more than happy to talk about their instructors and teaching methods. We have experienced coaches who will teach your kid chess lessons based on their age, experience, and learning speed. They can learn at their own pace.

Online or Offline Chess Classes

Class format is equally important. Some children thrive in in-person settings, while others prefer online platforms. If your child wants flexibility and the comfort of your home, you can opt for online chess coaching. If not, you can go for in-person chess classes.

Your third option is private chess classes. Here, your child will receive one-on-one lessons from an experienced chess instructor. All these classes have their unique advantages. Feel free to choose the one that best fits your needs. At ACE Center, we offer all three modes of chess classes for kids.

Consider Class Schedule and Location

If your child is taking online chess lessons, all you need to think about is the schedule. We know that a well-designed schedule that aligns with your child's routine ensures consistent attendance. Consistency leads to better engagement and faster learning. That’s the reason we don’t want our students to miss any classes. So, at ACE Center, we try to provide the most convenient online class schedule.

However, you will need to consider the location and commute if you want in-person classes. You would want the chess academy as close to your home as possible. It minimizes travel time and reduces stress for both you and your child. ACE Center is conveniently located in Brooklyn. We are well connected to the nearby suburbs.

Check the Variety of Chess Courses

Finally, you will need to consider how diverse the chess programs are. At ACE Center, we are proud to offer diverse chess lessons. Our lessons are tailored to various skill levels and age groups. At its core, we have five different chess courses based on skill levels. They include beginner, intermediate, advanced, tournament, and master.

Moreover, we know the importance of age-appropriate tutoring. We have specialized classes for different age groups. The curriculum is engaging and comprehensible. Younger children benefit from interactive learning methods that focus on chess basics through fun games and activities. On the other hand, older kids and teenagers have access to in-depth chess lessons.

Know The Impact of Chess Education

Chess education offers profound cognitive and academic benefits to children. Chess lessons can enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Your child will develop these skills as they learn to anticipate opponents' moves, formulate strategies, and consider consequences. These mental exercises sharpen analytical abilities and improve concentration.

Chess is also a game of patience. It teaches your child to stay calm, think ahead, and execute the plan. Your child can grasp complex concepts and make strategic decisions, and their self-assurance grows. These are vital life skills to have as your kid grows up.

Academically speaking, chess lessons can help improve math skills. After all, the game emphasizes learning patterns, fast calculations, and logical deductions. In short, chess lessons will enrich your child academically and prepare them for real-world challenges.


Chess is an excellent extracurricular activity for children. Regular chess lessons can help your child develop cognitive skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and logical deduction. Your kid can also learn patience and math skills. But you will need to find the right chess tutoring experts for your child. And thanks to these tips, you can find the best chess classes for your child.

Are you looking for chess classes for kids? Come to ACE Center, where we offer a wide range of chess programs. Contact us now for details.


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