Discover the Joy of Music: Piano and Vocal Classes for All Ages at Ace Center

It is said that music has the power to touch our souls. It is a universal language that transcends barriers and connects people. Learning a piano or developing vocal skills can be incredibly rewarding.

Research shows that schools with music programs have an estimated 90.2% graduation rate and 93.9% attendance rate. But the same drops to 72.9% graduation and 84.9% attendance for schools without music education.

And at ACE Center, we understand the significance of music education. We provide you with the opportunities to explore your musical talents. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced musician, our piano classes and vocal training cater to all skill levels. We pride ourselves on offering a diverse and enriching experience.

Let's learn more about how learning piano and vocal music can transform your life.

A. Know the Benefits of Learning Piano and Vocal Skills

Whether you grew up in a musical family or not, you can learn musical instruments. There are several benefits of learning piano or vocal skills. Let's check them out one by one.

1) Benefits of Learning Piano

  • Cognitive Development: Learning to play the piano stimulates various areas of your brain. It can enhance cognitive skills such as memory, problem-solving, and multitasking. These skills often tend to slow down as you age. But learning piano may help prevent or prolong that.

  • Improved Motor Skills: Piano playing requires precise finger movements. It promotes the development of your fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination.

  • Discipline and Patience: Mastering the piano is not easy. It requires dedication, practice, and patience. In short, learning piano can help foster discipline and perseverance, especially in children and young adults.

  • Emotional Expression: Playing the piano allows you to express your emotions and creativity through music. It is perhaps the best outlet for self-expression.

  • Stress Relief: Playing the piano can serve as a stress-relieving activity. It can provide a calming and therapeutic effect on your mind and body.

  • Boosted Confidence: As mentioned before, learning piano takes patience and time. So, developing this skill can boost your sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

  • Lifetime Skill: Piano playing is a skill you can enjoy for life. It will bring joy and fulfillment to your personal and social life.

2) Benefits of Learning Vocal Skills

Developing vocal skills offers benefits similar to learning piano. It can boost your self-confidence, improve cognitive skills, and help you express your emotions. It can also develop your communication skills. In addition to these, vocal training offers the following unique benefits.

  • Improved Vocals: Vocal training helps you develop proper breathing, posture, vocal range, and projection. That enhances the quality and strength of the voice. In other words, it can help you improve your vocal cords in the long run.

  • Emotional Well-being: Singing releases endorphins and reduces stress. Regular singing can ensure your emotional well-being. The researchers have found that listening to and playing music increases the body's production of the antibody immunoglobulin A and natural killer cells, which attack invading viruses and boost the immune response. Music also reduces levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

  • Cultural Exploration: When learning vocals, you get exposed to different musical styles and cultures. It broadens your musical horizons and appreciation for diversity. Plus, you get to interact with musicians from across cultures.

B. Join The All-Inclusive Music Program at ACE Center

You can start enjoying all these benefits by joining our all-inclusive music program. At ACE Center, we provide a holistic musical education experience. Whether you are an adult, young adult, or teenager, we can cater to your music learning needs.

One of the key aspects of our program is the availability of piano and vocal classes for students of all age. Students as young as three years old can start taking piano and vocal lessons. We believe that music education should be accessible to everyone. Our experienced instructors are skilled in tailoring their teaching methods to your unique learning style, depending on your age.

We also understand the importance of language proficiency in effective learning. Learning piano and vocal skills becomes easier if the instructions are in a language you understand fluently. At ACE Center, we offer the flexibility of learning in English, Russian, Armenian, etc.

C. Ace Center's Qualified Instructors

Our school provides both online and in-person classes. Professionally licensed teachers lead our vocal and piano lessons. Moreover, our piano instructor has worldwide experience.

A graduate of the Yerevan State Conservatory, Maria Sahakyan has a master’s degree in Music Education. She leads both vocal and piano classes at ACE Center. All our instructors have experience in teaching students of varying age groups. Whether you are a pre-teen student or an adult, we can help you learn piano and vocal skills.

Plus, ACE Center offers a few other unbeatable features.

  • We have developed an individualized teaching approach. Our teachers and instructors can cater to each student's unique learning needs.

  • We have designed a curriculum that builds a strong foundation in music theory, technique, and performance skills.

D. How to Get Started

It’s very easy to start your piano or vocal lessons. We have a simple registration process. All you have to do is call or email to make an appointment. You will get a free consultation with our teacher to discuss your learning needs.

  • We don’t have any trial class. Your lessons can start as soon as you make an appointment.

  • You can customize your learning experience, depending on your needs.

  • You can also pay conveniently. We neither charge any hidden fees nor do we have any membership programs.

You can:


Music can help you live an enriched life. Music education plays a vital role in nurturing your artistic sensibilities, emotional well-being, and cognitive skills. And learning piano or vocal skills can change your life forever, whether you are young or old. There is no age barrier to learning music. But you don't have to wait. The sooner you start taking your lessons, the better!

ACE Center is a premier destination for music classes. Discover the joy of learning piano and vocal skills. Call (680) 223-8587 or email us at or!


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