ACE your future with the help of industries’ leading professionals

We strive for a new model of education that will empower the new generation of great minds.

Want to know more about our programs? Book a free consultation with our teachers now!



Introducing a new interactive on-campus learning program for kids

Program is available starting September 2021.
Call us to save your spot!


Package 1: Monday - Friday, 2:30pm - 7:00pm
Interactive program that includes Math, English, Computer Programming, Chess, Music, Art, and Homework.

Package 2: Monday-Friday, 2:30pm - 7:00pm
Customizable program schedule based on individual learning needs.

*for a detailed program schedule please contact us at (680) ACE-8587

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  • Art

    Drawing, Painting, Color Theory

  • Chess

    Rules, History, Notation, Opening, Middlegame/endgame, Calculation

  • Computer Programming

    Algorithms, Programming Languages, Software Engineering, Systems Architecture/design, Machine Learning, Computational Thinking

  • Dance

    Zumba, Hip-Hop, Bridal Dance

  • Music

    Piano, Vocal, Stage Skills, Solfeggio, Test Preparation

  • Ace Special Program

    Skill Development, STEM Activities, Creative Workshops, Group Projects, Outdoor Excursions

  • Saturday & Sunday ACE special program

    Tutoring, English Writing, Homework Help, Test Prep, Indoor Activities

  • Mommy and Me Program

    Bonding Activities, Early Learning, Interactive Games, Music & Movement, Storytime Sessions

  • Tutoring/Test Prep

    SHSAT, SAT, AP, ELA, MATH, Effective Writing



  • We are a team of professionals with passion for teaching

  • We utilize best teaching techniques

  • We teach skills that have practical implications

  • We provide modern classrooms with latest technology

  • We provide a convenient location in the heart of Sheepshead Bay



At ACE we provide the best possible experience for our students and their parents.
We are delighted to see us exceed the expectations of our students on a continuous basis.

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Celebrating Enok Mkrtchian's Remarkable Achievement in Dance!

We are thrilled to share the fantastic news about one of our bright young talents, Enok Mkrtchian, who has been accepted into the prestigious Mark Twain Middle School with an impressive score of 78! Enok, a dedicated student of Caucasian dance, has shown exceptional dedication and skill in his dance studies, consistently wowing us with his passion and precision.

Francis Hrpcha's acceptance into LaGuardia High School's prestigious vocal music program

Scoring within the elite 97th percentile, Francis's exceptional talent and dedication to music have truly paid off.

Congratulations, Francis, on this well-deserved accomplishment! Your future in vocal music looks incredibly bright, and this is just the beginning of a promising and fulfilling career.

Exceptional Student Achieves Top Vocal Spot at Laguardia High School

We're delighted to share another success story!  With a remarkable score of 98, one of our students has earned admission to Laguardia High School as the highest-ranking vocal student. Their dedication, talent, and outstanding grades, nurtured through the Ace Tutoring Program, have propelled them to this prestigious achievement.


Vocal Student of Maria Sahakyan , who was accepted to David A. Boody middle school at music program 

Also she had a certain amount of concerts . 

At Millennium theater on 2017 in opera Monk , theatrical concert “Armenia” at Carnegie Hall, concert tours In Armenia on 2018, in Philadelphia 2016.


Vocal Student of Maria Sahakyan , who was accepted to David A. Boody middle school at music program 

Also she had a certain amount of concerts 

At Millennium theater as a main actor / soloist in the opera Monk on 2017, also at Carnegie Hall and take first place in music competition, also in the theatrical concert program named “Armenia” on 2019.

Tutoring Piano Vocal
Based on availability Based on availability Based on availability
Art Day & Time Age
Tuesdays - 5:20-6:00 (2-4 years old )
Tuesdays - 6:00-6:45 ( 4-6 years old )
Wednesdays - 5:15-6:15 ( 6 and up)
Wednesdays - 6:15-7:15 ( 6 and up)
Thursday - 5:30-6:15 ( 4-6 years old)
Thursday - 6:15-7:15 ( 7 and up)
Fridays - 5:30-6:15 ( 2-4 years old )
Fridays - 6:15-7:15 (6 and up)
Saturdays - 11:15-12:00 (4-6 years old )
Chess Day & Time
Tuesdays 5-6
Saturdays 12:30-1:30
Breakdance Day & Time
Tuesdays 5-6
Saturdays 12:30-1:30
Hip-hop Tuesdays 7-8
Armenian dance Tuesdays 8-9
Caucasian dance Day & Time
Mondays 7-8 ( 6 & up)
Mondays 8-9 ( adults)
Wednesdays 7-8 ( 6 & up)
Wednesdays 8-9 ( adults)


Get connected with us to learn more about available programs